kayak tours kotor (6)
kayak tours kotor
Izlet kajakom info
Polazna tačka kajakaške ture je plaža Urc koja se nalazi pored gradskog parka i samo 100 metara od kotorske luke i Starog grada sa koje se pruža prekrasan pogled na ulaz u Bokokotorski zaliv.
Po dolasku na polaznu tačku, učesnici ture će se upoznati sa vodičima o sigurnosnoj opremi i upravljanju kajakom. Nakon kraćeg treninga i postavljanja određenih pravila kojih se polaznici moraju pridržavati, kreće vođena tura duž obale prema plaži Glavati. Šetajući obalom, učesnici ture će imati priliku da se upoznaju sa prelijepim palačama, crkvama, katedralama koje se nalaze u Dobroti, a koje pripadaju srednjovjekovnoj arhitekturi. Po dolasku na plažu glavni učesnici će imati priliku da se odmore, uživaju u kupanju i ronjenju. Nakon toga se vraćaju na redovnu stranu zaliva, gdje će se upoznati sa građevinama i crkvama Prčanj i Muo, te uživati u prekrasnom pogledu na stari grad Kotor, i njegove bedeme, kao i visoke brda koja se uzdižu iznad zaliva. Trajanje ture je od 2h 30 min do 3h. Svaki učesnik ture dobija suhu torbu u koju može staviti svoje lične stvari, masku za ronjenje, kao i flašu vode.
Vodič sa ostalim učesnicima takođe prati plovilo koje služi kao podrška kajakom. Učesnicima se savjetuje da ponesu sunčane naočale, šešir ili kapu, fotoaparat ili telefon.
- Kayak rent for hour/20€
- Kayak rent all day/40€
- Kayak group tour
Pošalji upit
Kajak karakteristike
Ssjedenje za jednu ili dvije osobe kapaciteta od 550lbs/250kg
- Dimenzije 410 cm x 84 cm
- Težina 75 lbs / 34 kg
- Maksimalno opterećenje 550 lbs / 250 kg
Idealno za jednu ili dvije osobe + 1 dijete do 550 lb / 250 kg
Pogodan i za ribolov, 1 osoba + oprema, gdje je potreban dodatni kapacitet/prostor. Lakoća transporta sa sistemom za transport.
Kayak tour Kotor Montenegro Telefon: +38267085865 viber whatsapp
Grupne ture
Written by Super UserGrupne ture kajakom sa sertifikovanim vodičem, posjetite čuvene lokacije u Boki Kotorskoj: Perast, Kotor, Gospa od Škrpjela, Tivat i Herceg Novi, za više informacija pošaljite upit
Kayak team building
Written by Super UserTeam building activities are an effective way to reduce stress, improve attitudes and get your group to learn how to work together toward team goals. Large Group Kayaking adventures will take your group out of their daily routines and comfort zones and allow them to share an experience that is often a first-time proposition for many of the participants.
Team building locations: Boka Bay (Perast, Kotor, Our Lady of the Rock, Tivat and Morinj) for more locations please send request.
Tour info
The starting point of the kayak tour is the beach, located next to the city park and just 100 meters from the port of Kotor and the old town, which offers a beautiful view of entrance to the Bay of Kotor.
Upon arrival at the starting point, the tour participants will be introduced to the guides about the safety equipment and how to manage the kayak. After a brief training and setting certain rules, that the participants must abide by, the guided tour along the coast starts towards Glavati Beach. Walking around the coast, the participants of the tour will have opportunity to get the acquainted with the beautiful Palaces, Churches, Cathedrals, located in Dobrota ,and which belong to medieval architecture. Upon arrival at the beach, the main participants will have the opportunity to rest , enjoy swimming and snorkeling. After that ,they head back to the order side of the bay ,where they will get acquainted with the buildings and Churches of Prcanj and Muo, and enjoy the splendid view on the old town of Kotor, and it’s ramparts ,as well as the high hills rising above the bay. The tour duration is from 2h 30 min to 3h. Each tour participant receives a dry bag in which they can put their personal things, a diving mask, as well as a bottle of water.
Tour guide with other participants also accompanies the vessel which is used to support the kayak tour. Participants are advised to bring sunglasses, a hat or cap, camera or phone.
- Kayak rent for hour/20€
- Kayak rent all day/40€
- Kayak group tour
Send request
Kayak Specifications
A stable & versatile sit-on-top for one or two people with a capacity of 550lbs/250kg
- Complete Dimensions 410 cm x 84 cm
- Weight 75 lbs / 34 kg
- Max Load 550 lbs / 250 kg
Ideal for Single or two-person use + 1 child up to 550lb /250kg
Also suitable for fishing, 1 person + gear, where additional capacity/space is needed.
Ease of transport with wheel transport system
Kayak tour Kotor Montenegro Phone: +38267085865 viber whatsapp